On display:
- Amnesty InternationalThe blog community is directly integrated into the organization's main website to ease navigation for the reader. The focus within the Amnesty International USA's blog community is on the organization's main areas of interest and brings together a number of blogs. The blog community offers a perfect overview of all developments on issues important to Amnesty International USA. The mixture of official news, accounts by individuals, and calls to action lighten the tone of the information being communicated.
- ReadmydayReadmyday is "A place where civic leadership weblogs converge..." It is an unbiased, multi-party, politically-neutral blogging platform that allows councillors to set up blogs and to report about their everyday life. Readmyday is a perfect example of how Non-Profit Organizations can bring the activists and supporters, or citizens, closer together.
Voluntario WeblogsThis blog portal has been set up by the German diocese of Freiburg. It is meant to address young people volunteering in countries such as Peru or Israel. It is a great tool to get more exposure and attention for this initiative on the Internet. At the same time it allows all volunteers to stay in touch and to learn from each other’s experiences.