Features for blog community hosts
Features for blog community members
Weblog URL (optional) | portal.com/user or user.portal.com |
Domain mapping (optional) | For ad-free portals |
Number of Weblogs | unlimited |
Number of Photoblogs | unlimited |
Team Blogs | Yes |
Authors per Team Blog | unlimited |
Entry visibility: only for you, your friends or everyone | Yes |
All Posts on Blog Homepage | Yes |
Comments (enable/disable per entry, comment on other blogs) |
Yes |
Comment moderation (optional) | Yes |
TrackBack and TrackBack moderation (optional) | Yes |
Extensive user-profile (optional) | Yes |
Guestbook | Yes |
Search your weblog | Yes |
Ping (optional) | Yes |
XML-RPC (optional) | Yes |
RSS-Feed per blog-category (optional) | Yes |
RSS-Subscriptions | Yes |
Number of Subscriptions | 20 |
E-mail Reports | Yes |
Statistics | Yes |
Mobile Blogging via MMS or e-mail (optional) | Yes |
Mobile Blogging by category (optional) | Yes |
Customizable Blog Templates | Yes |
CSS-editing of layouts (optional) | Yes |
Smileys | Yes |
Currently playing, current mood (optional) | Yes |
Extensive online help | Yes |
Webspace for Images, etc.(optional) | 2mb / 10mb / 25mb |
Automatic image resizing (optional) | Yes |