
Check our online help for any questions you may have.

Where can I create more detailed information about myself?

Choose the weblog you want to edit the profile for within your Dashboard and go to "Community -> About me". This is where you can write a few words about yourself. This text will be displayed if a visitor on your weblog clicks "more about me".

Why does my user picture need to be a certain size?

The width of your user picture is limited to 167 pixels. The height can vary but the picture can be distorted due to the limitations of the width. The limited width is necessary to align with the layout. If your picture is distorted, you can fix it with a specific program.

Why is my site so slow all of a sudden?

If the loading time of your weblog has suddenly increased, you may have published very large images. If you recently insert a user picture, the delay may be caused by this image. If you publish a user picture which requires significant web space, it will influence the loading time of your weblog. Check the file size of your images under "Weblog" > "Images & Files". If the file size exceeds 50 KB, it will have significant influence on the loading time. You should compress your image. If the long loading time is not due to your user picture, you should check the size of the images in your entries.

How to delete or edit my user picture

You can edit your user picture anytime. Edit your picture under "Community -> About me" for the corresponding weblog you want to edit your profile for. You will find the section "Select profile image". If you don't want to show your user picture, select "Remove the current image". If you want to change your picture, you can either upload one from your computer or select an existing picture from your blog. Click "browse" and select the specific picture in order to upload it from your computer. Select "save" and the old picture will automatically be replaced by the new one. After the upload is complete, you will find your picture on your profile. Selecting an existing picture is even more simple: click "Select previously uploaded image" and choose the image you want.

Problems uploading your user picture

Some pictures can be distorted, and it's usually because the widths of the user pictures are limited to 167 pixels. If your picture is significantly smaller or wider it will be distorted. You should edit your picture before the upload in order to prevent any distortion. Since no pictures with the same file names can be uploaded, you will have to delete the existing one before uploading the new picture. Otherwise you will receive an error alert telling you that the file name already exists. If the loading time of your blog increases significantly, your picture file is probably too large. In this case you should compress the file.

Where will my user picture appear?

Your user picture will appear on the side of your weblog. For the best display, the picture should be 167x167 pixel (width*height) and be provided in either GIF or JPG format.

Do I have to facilitate email contact for all visitors to my weblog?

It is up to you whether you want to receive email via 21Publish. You can allow contact for all Internet users, for registered users only or none at all.

How to display a contact via e-mail on my weblog

If you want other users to be able to contact you, simply activate the feature that allows contact via email on your weblog. This enables all users to contact you with just one mouse click - but your actual address won't be visible on the weblog. Select "My account -> Contact data" and then select which group of users is allowed to contact you via email. You can choose between all internet users, registered users only or none.

Create, delete and edit a profile

Your profile is created when you create a weblog. You can edit your profile later under "Community -> About me". This is where you can enter information about yourself and upload your user picture for a specific blog.